One travelling to Vietnam may get great prices if using sites like Expedia or CheapO Air. For example, have seen a flight from a midwestern city, to Chicago, to Seoul, to Hanoi via Korean Air for 1105 USD.
.Working on this website,, to share traveling experiences in this small Asian nation that would not be denied unification and independence even though they were fighting the most powerful country in the world. Many Americans hold on to myths that we were defeated by the press and did not give it our full measure for victory. Fact is, it was started under false pretenses. Although conducted bravely, it was soon discovered that we were backing a corrupt government in the south that did not represent most of the Vietnamese people. It was a misguided effort to fight communism thinking that China and Vietnam rpepresented unified agression. History shows that Vietnam and China never had common goals seeing as how Vietnam fought the Chinese for centuries to achieve independence, even defeating Kublai Khan who tried to absorb Vietnam into his empire. There was no love lost between the two countries. In the end , the US finally came to its senses realizing that the war was not worth more committment and to continue was not morally right.
AuthorInfantry soldier in 1969 Vietnam. Two careers: 1st half, Accountant & persnnel.mgr. 2nd half, MA Ed. @ U of Iowa and taught in MS. A writer in retirement. Archives
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